The 17th IT Week Vietnam will take place in Hanoi from Oct. 29-Nov. 2 with a series of exhibitions and seminars taking place focusing on advanced information technology. ...
Hanoi’s Anti-Counterfeit and Trademark Protection Association made its debut this week by declaring all-out war on pirates. The association has been set up to mobilise social oirganisations and businesses to join authorities in the fight against counterfeit and low-quality goods. ...
Vietnam has huge potential for the development of third generation (3G) technology, though it is lagging behind some other regional countries, said the Head of Ernst & Young’s Global Telecom Centre Jonathan Dharmapalan. ...
Domain names are natural resources so speculation is banned. However, the state will allow the transfer of .vn domain name under certain conditions, said Deputy Minister of Post and Telematics Le Nam Thang....
Four years have passed since Viet Nam joined the Berne Convention on Intellectual Property Rights, and despite progress, copyright violations continue to be a serious problem in the country....
HCMC – Most small and medium enterprises, universities and research institutes in the country have failed to consider their intellectual property rights as valuable assets during their business and research activities, according to the National Office of Intellectual Property of...
The awarding ceremony, the first of its kind initiated by the Hanoi Business Association, is expected to be held in July. The award aims to encourage businesses to develop their competitive trademarks and products...