Nga is patent attorney in Hanoi office. Her capabilities span the entire patent field, from consulting with clients and managing cases, to drafting patent specifications, to translating specifications into Vietnamese, to interviewing examiners of the NOIP to accelerate the examination process. She earned a Bachelor of Electronics and Telecommunications with high marks from the HCMC University of Technology, and then earned a Diploma of foreign languages from English Division of HCMC University of Social Sciences and Humanities. Prior to joining WINCO in 2011, she spent 7 years as an engineer in FPT Telecom and Siemens Vietnam. She also completed many IP training courses organized by WIPO, ASEAN IPA, and the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam.
Địa chỉ: 54 Trần Quốc Vượng, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội